Thursday, September 6, 2012


So this is it. Tomorrow is my last day of classes. No more homework assignments. No more noisy classmates. Everything has reached its end. I don't know how I feel about it. I guess I'm nervous like everyone else, but I can't help but feel excited. For the first time, I'll get to study what I do love.
I'm aware that college will be harder. My parents won't pay for my school anymore. I'll have to find a job. Everyone in my class will be grown ups. I'm barely seventeen, and being surrounded by adults me feel queasy. I don't know how fast will I be able to get used to everything. But I'm looking forward to finding out.
So I guess this will be my final post. i can't promise something I know I won't do. But Mr. Pablo, be sure that I'll try to keep you updated on my life. I'll probably disappear because that is what I do the best, but I want you to know how thankful I am toward you. Thank you for your patience and your willingness to help me when I asked.
Thank you,

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Week Twenty eight

It would be fair to say that we people are hard to please, slow to find happiness, and fast to depress ourselves and lose faith; it comes in our nature, and we can’t run off of it too easily. People all over the world spend their lives weeping and regretting things that they wish they had or had not done. Dreams shattered, hearts broken or even bad luck can lead a person to think that they are worth nothing, and that anything they do will just come out wrong. So, what motivates us to get our act done?
Money is one of those few things that people actually fight for. Easy money, or well earned money are the same thing in the end.  People love it. They need it. They starve for it. Money basically runs our world. If people have money, they have power; and power means more to people than money does. We can see it on our daily life. Some people will educate themselves so their chances to find a more than decent job are greater. Others will work hard and start their own businesses, so their progress is measured according to their abilities.  Either way, people will do anything to improve their economy and change their style of life.
Another reason that motivates people is ambition. This term is often mistakenly related with power and money hunger, when it is actually defined as the desire of one person to achieve something. Mother Teresa de Calcutta is an example of this case. Her ambition to help those that were less fortunate and needed some kind of hope to come into their hearts, ruled her whole life. Her motto was Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.” And she did accomplish her
Other motivation, and perhaps the strongest, is love. Our love for someone or something, gives us enough encouragement to keep on going. An athlete´s love for his sport makes him think twice before giving up. Even after all the loss and deception, an artist passion pushes him to keep on creating. While a mother’s love tells her to be strong and brave for the sake of her children. Love is one of the most misunderstood kind of motivations, yet one of the most common and powerful ones. Love means putting up priorities and working out for them.
In conclusion, whether it is power, ambition, or love what drives us; we are on the right track if we actually have a motivation that leads our way. We all need help and it comes in all kind of forms. We are responsible to find a strong hold that secures our position in life. Life is unpredictable, but if we learn to find the bright side, it will become the greatest adventures of all. 

Week Twenty Seven

I'm feeling both panicky and anxious, which are the same if you think about it. I guess I never pictured myself graduating. I don't want to sound suicidal, but I never imagined that I would live this long. Seventeen, going to eighteen, is an age beyond my understanding
. I don't know how to be an adult; I can barely be an average teenager, that's the deal.
I just hope that I'm smart enough, and mature enough to face new challenges with my head high.

Week Twenty Six

You People have no idea how much I want school to finish. I'm panicking! There's a lot of stuff I have to do and no time to do it. I mean, we spent hours doing nothing at school, and all of the sudden there is this bunch of assignments that we have to hand in in less that a week.
Seriously, this is no life.
Hope University gets better hahaha

Week Twenty five

I read this really sappy book time ago. I don't know what got into me, but I just felt al romantic all of the sudden and decided to read a romantic novel. The disturbing part of all of this is that I actually liked it. The Statistical Probability of falling in love completely captured my heart.
 I don't know how to describe it. I just have to say that the book was great. It wasn't all tragic and boring like. It was actually fun, ironic, and sarcastic. The perfect mixture to a love wreck like me.
I highly recommend this book for those that can't believe in fairy tale romances, yet have a small hope to find their movie worthy love story.

Week Twenty Four

First of all, I have to apologize for not writing as much as expected. The truth is that I kinda lost myself and spent a bunch of time zooming out and staring at space. Sorry to disappoint you, but there is stuff that you can't control even if you want.
This time I'l do my best to write at least a whole paragraph. Wish me luck

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Week Twenty Three

It is exams week. Yea!!! This means that now I gotta stop being lazy so I can study, pass my grades, and then go back to my lazy life. Yeah, that sounds like a plan.