Thursday, March 1, 2012

Week Five

It  feels so good to be back.
After a disturbingly long period of  time, in which I had completely stopped my habitual routine of reading, I have finally found the way to come back to my book worm self again.
As a birthday present-one of the only two I received - dad gave me the whole trilogy of the Hunger Games.
Now that I have them, it is fun to think of the way in which he agreed to get them for me.
When I told him about the plot of the story, he strongly refused to buy them because of its 'high' content of violence and evilness. However, after designing a well planned strategy, I found a way to tangle his mind. It didn't take me much convincing, if you ask me.
While on a family dinner with my grandparents, I used as my advantage his tendency to forget everything I tell him.  So, while he was happily chatting with my grandpa about Merlin- knows- what, I showed him a picture of the Hunger Games series  that I found on internet and begged him for them. I actually used the puppy eyes technique that my sisters constantly use on him. I know it was a low blow, but -hey, it worked.
He ordered the books immediately that way I would leave him alone with his own business. So, yeah, I got what I wanted.
Now, I kind of feel guilty for tricking my father into buying me the books, but-well, when you read as much as I do, your mind becomes so quick that you can't keep the brilliant ideas from flowing like water in a river.
Nevertheless, My dad says he is happy as long as I'm happy. I'm happy, so he must be too.
 The books are not that cruel, anyway. Yeah, twenty two people died on some of the must gruesome ways ever, but I'm a big girl, I can handle some action.
Moving on.
As for the reading part, it was actually hard to find the time to read peacefully. My annoyingly busy agenda kept me away from reading my beloved new books. Every time I started reading a page, something,anything,  had to cross on my way.   Either it was homework, or family, but there was always a supernatural force that pulled me away from knowing about Katniss and Peeta.
It wasn't until Wednesday that I decided to bring my book to school. Mr. Pablo will always give us 10 minutes to read whatever we want. So, I did my math. If I was still able to read as fast as I could before my reading hiatus, then I would be able to read two chapters in those ten minutes. Then, during computers, I would have a full period of forty minutes to read- that would mean another eight chapters. So, if I somehow managed to be out of my afternoon classes early and do my homework extraordinarily fast, I would be able to read some chapters before curfew.
In conclusion it took me an approximate of four hours to read 374 pages-if you don't count all the interruptions, of course.
I was actually on tears when I finished reading the first Hunger Games book. Stephen king wasn't lying when he said that "The Hunger Games is a violent, jarring speed-rap of a novel that generates nearly constant suspense"  I couldn't stop reading. I was so trapped in the plot that I completely ignored my principal while she was giving this long speech about my class being seniors and all. I didn't do it on purpose,of course. But I couldn't help it. My book was lying on top my desk, looking as appealing as ever.
Now, I'm about to start the second book "Catching Fire". According to the New York Times it is "...a sequel that improves upon the first book.". I can't wait to prove it myself.
Now, I will stop writing so I can start reading. Hopefully, by next week I will be able to tell you about the other two books. Who knows? Maybe Katniss and Peeta do come to their senses and admit their obvious love for each other.
Anyway, my counsel for this week is : Find a book and read.
Reading will always be beneficial for us. It can either provide us of great amounts of knowledge, or of much needed breaks from this world.
It doesn't matter the size of the book, as long you don't let the mutts eat your brain.

See you next week,

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