Thursday, February 16, 2012

Week Three

Every girl dreams for the perfect love story. We dream of someday finding 'the perfect man' with whom we will spend the rest of our lives. Even the toughest girls blush when a guy smiles at them. When it comes to love, we are weak. I can't deny it. Even though I'm one of those feminist girls that affirm that girls are smarter than most of the guys, I'm afraid to say that when it comes to love our logic and innate intelligence is outsmarted.
When we are single, we spend our free time imagining the perfect relationship.  I blame all those romantic movies that make us establish high expectative towards love. I've watched movies like Pride and Prejudice and The Notebook. I cried in every single one of them. Why did I cry? I have no idea. I guess that the whole prospect of love lasting forever made me feel kind of vulnerable. Somewhere in my heart I knew that those kind of stories never happen in real life, but I couldn't help but long for experiencing that kind of feeling.
There is a saying that alleges that girls think with the heart and not with their brain. IT IS THE MOST ABSURD SAYING EVER!. I wouldn't be surprised if a man said it. What differs girls from boys is the fact that girls actually care. Usually when a guy asks a girl is because of her outside. He finds her pretty and instantly becomes attracted to her. Farther in the relationship the guy finds that the girl is not actually his 'type' so he breaks up with her. So who was the fool one? Well, the girl because she was silly enough to actually care for this guy. Women come from Venus, Men from Mars. Girls love devotedly. Boys they-well, are boys. I'm aware that somewhere in the world there are boys that actually care for they girlfriends. If there weren't then happy families wouldn't exist. Still, I guess that the values in which love is based are slowly being lost.
Valentine's day just passed. Presents have been already exchanged. New relationships have blossomed. Some have been broken. Some were living a fairy tale. Some stayed at home and sat on a couch imagining how Valentine's day would be different if they actually had somebody.  
Every girls dreams for a fairy tale. Few get them. Every girl longs for romance. Not everyone finds it. I'm afraid that someday love will only be a myth. Will I ever get my 'movie worthy' love story? I don't know.
I believe in romance. I'm a girl after all. I just hope that one day I find someone who actually cares for me and accepts me for who I am. Flaws included.
Happy Valentine's for those that are in a relationship; and a more special Valentine's for those that are single. Don't loose faith. The most beautiful story is the one that hasn't been written. Make it yours.

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