Thursday, February 9, 2012

Week Two

Have you ever have once of those suck-ish days in which you wished you had never woken up? Well, I have.  Today, for example. When I woke up at 4:30 a.m. I expected to have a long relaxing hot shower, but my plans were soon changed when I discovered that there was no hot water left. So, I had to go to my morning scripture's classes clad in my pajamas, so once I returned home I could have my shower. However, some kind of mysterious force really had something against me because both my bathroom and my parents bathroom had flooded! So, no shower for me-yuck!
 Then, running late to school, my dad totally forgot my stop so I had to run an entire block to reach school just on time. Once at school, I found out that I had left my locker keys in my bag so I had to break my padlock using a pair of scissors and faith. Then, when I thought that it couldn't be any worse, I discovered that the essay in which I had worked hours on was left forgotten on top of my desk! Thankfully my teacher was   sympathetic and gave me one more day to hand in the blasted essay. May heavens bless her.
Finally, on my way home, while walking on the street, somehow I managed to tangle with my feet and fell on my bak in the most ridiculous way someone can imagine.
Yeah, today was not a "Let's love Leslie day".
So tell me. Is this some kind of signal that Karma really hates me? If it is not, then, is there any lesson I have to learn? Maybe I should calm down and have a break. Perhaps, the universe is trying to tell me to stop being such a crying workaholic twit. I don't know. Maybe I should laugh about it. If I come to think about it, my day was kind of funny. Someday I'll tell my grandchildren about this horrid day and they will laugh so hard 'till their stomachs hurt. At least my mom laughed.
I'm not sure. I guess, I should stop being melodramatic. Who knows? Maybe my karma changes someday.
Wish me luck!
-The girl with bad karma.

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