Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Week One

This week has been interesting. Usually, my weeks don't vary from lots of school work and lack of free time. Well, maybe, school is not the main  reason why I can't take a break. I, self voluntary,  have inflicted myself with extra work and stress-but, I guess it is for a good cause. You see, since I can remember I have been dreaming for a scholarship. Since then, I have been working nonstop so I can actually make my dreams come true.
However, this year things have changed a bit. First of all, my urge to be a book worm has stopped. I probed this theory true when I utterly refused to finish reading my literature book. I  mean, I tried really hard-I really did- but all I could get was that 1)Jules Verne was a genius, and 2) I will never get to understand a single word I read, unless I graduate from physics. Now I'm praying that the only half of the book I read was enough to pass the test. Cross your fingers for me, please.
Now, I know I kind of lost track of my initial point; and I know you may be expecting me to write about the rest of my classes and all-but, Come on!  There is plenty of time to talk about them. 36 weeks to be exact. So don't  worry. You will know more about me soon.

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