Thursday, April 12, 2012

Week Eleven

I'll change the thematic this week. Instead of writing about me, I'll post something written by me. It is a short silly composition I made for my writing class. It is really nothing, but I found the story kind of funny. Please, tell me if you like it. I'll really appreciate your constructive critics. So, here it goes.

Rocky life.
Being a rock can be interesting. People say that we are boring and thick because we do nothing more than sit in the same place all day. The truth is that a rock’s life can be very exhausting. During our whole time on earth we see the world change. Kids are born; trees grow and fall; the weather changes; but we stay the same.
 I am a river rock. I spend my days staring at the loud moving water. My favorite hobby is listening to the different sounds that come with the flow. The fallen branches are my favorite. They make funny noises when they crash with my fellow rock friends. They grunt indignant every time one of their tips breaks. Delicate beings those branches!   I also like looking at the fishes. They make cute noises when they speak. It sounds like a ‘Glup! Glup!’ to me, but according to Grandpa Rock it means, “Move, I don’t have breaks!”
We rocks are also good counselors. Wisdom is one of our biggest attributes. Whoever said that dummy people have rock brain, had a head full of seaweed - and believe me, seaweeds REALLY lack from intelligence. Animals all around the world seek for our advice. In my short life I have solved more than fifty marital problems between frogs. And Dude, those frogs can be very irritating folks! They complain just about anything. “He ate all the flies!”, “I need time to myself and she won’t give it to me!” If someone paid me a penny for every frog problem, I would be rich.
So, dear reader friend think twice before you complain about the rock that was inside your shoe. Imagine the trauma the poor dear experienced after smelling its interior. We rocks are not handsome, but we are great pals. If someday someone needs a good ear, find a rock; we will always be here.  

I know it seems to be written by a first grade schooler, but I'm really proud of my job here, for some unexplainable reason. 
So, did you like it? I'll be waiting for your posts


PD// If I find out that someone plagiarized my  idea, I will sue him. 

1 comment:

  1. Loved the story :) although I think that if I start talking to a rock about my problems then people will say that I have completely lost it :P
